Saturday, February 28, 2009

Die stupid, eeky thing! DIE!

I hv just killed a life.
But I don't feel bad.
Actually, I sorta feel like a hero!
Its like I hv rid the world of 1 evil, eeky thing.
1 stupid, evil, eeky thing.

Why stupid you ask?

1) its past midnight and I'm dead tired.
2) I wasn't wearing spectacles/contact lens.
3) its presence caught me by surprise.
4) its size alone multiplied the "eek" factor by 100 fold.
5) JJ said its back for revenge coz Jason stomped on one (traumatic hor!)
6) I couldn't find my trusty smacker (blame the maid and her tidying!)
7) I hate the smell of shieldtox, esp before bedtime!

So, I ran around playing catching with it using a plastic bag. Unfortunately, I missed and it escaped to a dark corner of my room. Lucky bug! But still eek to the max!

Probed around my mess for a little, whined to a grand total of 3 ppl, had a couple of "be brave" and "tips to exterminate" phonecalls but like girls always do to girls, we end up scaring each other even more. :P

Thanks Cheeleng darling for the "be careful cockroach kiss you while you sleep" remark!!!!!!! Waahhhh! Eeek to the max X1000 can?! :(

Not daring to sleep, later the stupid, evil, eeky thing kiss me how?! Therefore, I logged online. And guess what?!

The VERY stupid, evil, eeky thing decided to emerge into the lighted spot of my screen, right in front of me, AT MY EYE LEVEL TAUNTING ME (here I was thinking creepy crawlies hate the light)! It was like waving its damn feelers in my face saying in cockroach language "come get me, you slowpoke!" Darn it! And guess what again?!

It brought with it its little baby. Awww...

So baby gets to watch mama get squished. And baby being baby didn't know how to run! So it got squished too. Yay!


Now I shall safely go to bed bcoz I am a hero and heroes sleep soundly bcoz they use up alot of energy to make the world a much nicer place. ^^


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